5 Simple Tips for a Lifestyle Change

Are you feeling like you need a change in your life? Check out these 5 tips for a lifestyle change that will most definitely help you get back on track NOW!

Hello everyone,

I am writing this post hoping to inspire you to make the lifestyle change you’ve been wanting to make! This post covers positive thinking, dieting, exercise, and weight loss. I think we can all relate to at least one (if not all) of these topics. I also share with you my 5 tips for a Lifestyle Change.

For as long as I can remember, I have watched my Mom and friends try every diet, every exercise program, and every weight loss program that has ever been created, seriously. Personally, I have been fortunate to not deal with any major weight gain issues, but I have battled with my body image my entire life.

Growing up, I was an athlete, primarily a swimmer, so I did not have to worry one second about calories or fat grams. In fact, I burned so much from working out, that I couldn’t consume enough. Ohhh to have that problem again! 🙂

5 Simple Tips for a Lifestyle Change

Then came college. And lots of frozen pizza and beer. My once carefree eating habits coupled with lack of exercise caused weight gain. Years passed and by the time I was 22 years old, I weighed the most I ever have in my life.

I had to change something. ANYTHING.

So, I started lifting weights. Eh. Then treadmill, eh again.

OK, time to get serious I thought. I became the Queen of Calorie King (www.calorieking.com) and started going to a Yolates class (yoga and Pilates mix), then I became the instructor of the class! I looked up every piece of food I ate and was shocked at the high-calorie count of certain foods! Oh my! Mind you, this was about 7 years ago before restaurants and fast food joints began posting calorie counts. This website is what educated me and gave me the motivation to begin eating in moderation.

Once again, this was years ago before everyone and their brother did yoga and pilates. But, as a refresher, or just to educate you, the benefits of yoga and pilates are endless!

5 Simple Tips for a Lifestyle Change

Here are a few:

  • Core Strength and Balance
  • Tones and Tightens all muscles
  • Relaxation breeds positive thoughts

*Another cool fact: deep breathing (all the way down into your stomach, not just your chest) helps calm your central nervous system and helps make you a better decision maker!

I set my long-term weight loss goal, but also set short-term 5 lb goals. Small, achievable goals will keep you successful and make you happy 🙂

Fast forward to the present; here is what I have learned through years of trials and I promise you to want to read this:

healthy choices

1) Portion Control

  • If you want to diet, know this simple fact: 1500 calories or less a day = 1/2 lb weight loss weekly without exercise. Yes, without exercise. You know what is healthy- eat healthy and moderate the fatty foods.

2) Cheat Days

  • You HAVE to allow yourself a “cheat day” or a cheat meal time (once a week) where you are allowed to eat what you want, but you still need to stay in moderation. For example, do not eat an entire pizza!!

3) Pilates + Yoga = BEST results

4) Goal Setting

  • Set one, large term goal
  • Break down into small, manageable goals- daily, weekly, monthly


  • Read daily inspirational quotes
  • Enlist friends and family for support and encouragement
  • Positive self-talk (tell yourself what you would tell your best friend!)
  • Use post-it notes for quotes and inspiration – stick them on your mirror, fridge, steering wheel, desk, computer

“A positive life can’t be led with a negative mind.”

What you think and say is who you are. Let that sink in and I’ll say it again: What you think and say is who you are.

5 Simple Tips for a Lifestyle Change

Be mindful of that fact.

Please remember that you have to set yourself up for success by setting achievable goals or it is too easy to get down on yourself or give up. You do not have to do some crazy diet or weight loss program and you do not have to kill yourself working out.

Thinking positive, losing weight, starting to exercise, or eating healthy is all part of a Lifestyle Change. Choose one or choose them all, but know that your choice will only make your life better!

Looking for other healthy tips? Try this amazing recipe for a rejuvenating detox drink that is not only good for you (like after a workout ;), but also tastes yummy!


 This post was originally created in March 2015 and then updated in March 2021.

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